Open Well

HWF's water and sanitation programmes incorporate building infrastructure, improving sanitation and developing hygiene awareness.

Water is a basic human necessity and a vital natural resource for all aspects of life. Today, more than a billion people lack access to safe drinking water. “Unfortunately, access to clean water is a right that has been denied to many of the poorest people in the world.” People’s lives are deeply affected from water poverty and its devastating consequences when they have no access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene awareness. 

According to the report issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF, India is home to 97 million people without an access to improved water supplies. Over all, there are still 780 million people without access to an improved drinking water source.

HWF's water and sanitation programmes incorporate building infrastructure, improving sanitation and developing hygiene awareness.

incorporate building infrastructure, improving sanitation and developing hygiene awareness